
Monday, March 20, 2017

Anyone else experiencing fare overages on their Presto cards on GO?


GO Voyageur said...

How is it double-dipping if the balance first goes up and then down on a tap? It would appear there were queued credits that were applied first on each tap, i.e. 58.10+6.84-9.02=55.92 and 76.44+9.02-5.30=80.16.

C.J. Smith said...

Two fares being deducted at same time, yet, different amounts, so not double-dipping but being charged more fare than required

GO Voyageur said...

I'm missing where the excess fare is being charged. Reading the transaction log bottom to top, the credit of $9.02 on 3/13 appears to be a reversal of the same amount on 3/10. The credit of $6.84 on 3/16 appears to be a refund of 1.54+5.30 on 3/14.

The tap on debits of $5.30 (3/13/2017 7:41:00 AM) and $9.02 (3/13/2017 7:23:00 AM) do not seem anomalous.

C.J. Smith said...

Ah, I see it now. Hopefully Steve does too.
I'll take the post down in a bit...

GO Voyageur said...

I would leave the post up as an example of how confusing PRESTO's transaction log is. Years ago we were promised improved transaction reports, but per Metrolinx standards, nothing has come to fruition — in fact, it's worse.

Jules said...

I find these transit reports such a pain to read, I admit I thought the same thing when I went over mine until I really looked at it and realized there was a credit. I wish they could make it easier!