
Friday, November 21, 2014

Florida's "GO trains" have tables

Sun Rail runs the same locos and coaches as GO Transit, which are manufactured by Bombardier.

Them bitches got tables. Tables!


Jules said...

I can see already how well that would work on the Go train lol, it's bad enough as it is with all the arm rest hogs leaning into your personal space!

Unknown said...

Some GO cars used to have tables, too. I'm not sure why they got rid of them, although I can see them being impractical when crush-loaded.

Al said...

I have seen these on Our go trains before, though nopt for quite a few years.

JoeE said...

If you look at the wall in pods with no armrests, you can see a horizontal patch where the table used to be. Usually the same pods with an electrical outlet. Getting phased out, but very old school!

Bicky said...

There used to be tables on the GO Trains. Very convenient for card playing but not so much when the aisle seats were occupied and you had to climb over someone to get to the window seat.

They also used to have real plugs so you could plug in your laptop!

Ah, the good ole days! *sigh*

George said...

Getting into the inside seat when the outside seat is occupied is problematic when you have GO seathogs in them.
It's hard enough now to get people out of your way enough to get the inside seat without a table there.

I asked two ladies on the outside seats to move so I could do that yesterday and they responded by tucking in their feet while leaving their knees almost touching. Thanks bitches. I just bulled past the knees into the seat only barely managing not to stomp on their feet.

Yep a table would be a great idea.


C.J. Smith said...

So you guys really hate tables. Noted.

Anonymous said...

I remember the tables and the plugs. It was good and bad. Tables were only good if you were sitting with friends, otherwise you were trapped in the inside seats.

Anonymous said...

They were removed because they could cause injury in a crash

Anonymous said...

"They were removed because they could cause injury in a crash"

Yup. But now that CrashNational is no longer running the show its safe to bring them back.

Anonymous said...

Yeah running into another passenger head on like an airbag is much safer.

George said...

A lot safer than getting a table edge embedded in the upper body.

TomW said...

Tables are safe enough. If a GO Train crashes at speed (and none ever have), a table in the lower body is the least of your worries. (Plus, you probbaly won't go forward into the table... more like up or down or sideways).

I miss the outlets, particularly when my Kobo runs out of battery half-way home.