
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

APRIL FOOLS! Re: So remember when I posted a tweet about being a Courtesy Enforcement Officer? (Yeah ... I know ... some of you are really disappointed. Me too!)

The original tweet:
Yesterday after work, after receiving an odd phone call in the afternoon, I made my way down to 20 Bay Street to meet with the newly formed customer management team.

This very surreal meeting resulted in an offer to consult with the team and I was asked if I'd be willing to consider a job offer as a Courtesy Enforcement Officer.

After I got over feeling stunned, I immediately had a thousand questions. But my main concern was this website. How the hell would that work? I asked if I could mention it on the blog because I'm not sure how others would feel about this, but the fact of me wearing an official jacket, carrying a clipboard and a whistle is a dream for me. I joked about carrying a chainsaw, too. Nobody laughed.

Would I be able to hand out fines? I asked. I was told this would have to be discussed as by-law enforcement generally falls under security provisions.

I follow-up with them next week. My husband says I should ask, if I choose to do this, if I can design my own uniform. I have to get a chainsaw into this somehow!



Anonymous said...

Never mind an officer. They need to make you the Director. This should be a whole department!!!

C.J. Smith said...

Baby steps.

Anonymous said...

That is amazing CJ! You should absolutely go for it. Congratulations!!

FRED said...

Don't do it. Consult. But don't go over to the dark side, C.J.

Hopefully you get to consult on signage and advocacy campaigns which GO Transit is seriously lacking. With LCD televisions being so cheap these days, those no reason why short videos about how to be courteous on a train can't play in the Concourse and Teamways.

Anonymous said...

I guess the questions you need to ask are:

- Is this a good career move for me? Is it something I would enjoy? Are the package and working conditions going to work for me?

But also:
- Can I affect more change working from the inside, with potentially limited responsibility and clout, or continue my activism?

Either way you need to do what's best for you, of course. But it would be nice to see this site continue.

Anonymous said...

CJ....Happy April Fools!!

Lori said...

What a great opportunity but I would like to see this site continue because it is very nice to have a place to vent with like-minded courteous people.

Bicky said...

Well this would make you a CEO. Very nice!

Although, I smell a Bazinga / April Fool's about this.

Apologies if this is on the up and up.

Squiggles said...

I have to ask (because it has been a pretty crappy day so far): April Fool's joke?

Anonymous said...

CJ ... this is awesome girl!
If it pays better than you currently get, and YOU can set your hours (6-10am, 2-6pm) do it... :D

Dakota said...

This sounds like an April fool's joke

Anonymous said...

Can't believe how many of you fell for it!

C.J. Smith said...

People fell for it because they want it to be real.

I want it to be real.

Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOOOOOOO disappointed!

Anonymous said...

Hey the site lives! Good news all round (and yeah ya got me)

Michael Suddard said...

How much does Aitkins earn? I'd go there in pay scale. You'll be much better at coms & answering important Questions in Brad Ross style.